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Items You'll Need for Your Newborn Baby


    Baby clothes

    Baby clothes are classified based on ages, often as newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months. Below are the clothing basics your baby will need in each size:


    Bodysuitare also known as babies' t-shirt or onesies. They have an extension below the waist, with snaps that allow it to be closed over the crotch area.

    Dungaree, which is clothing that consists of trousers with bibs.

    Rompers, a set of clothing that's inclusive of a top part and trousers worn by babies.

    Sleepsuita one-piece item of baby clothing with long sleeves and legs with feet.

    Poney Baby Essential collection


      Diapering items are inclusive of diapers, regardless of a cloth, or disposable diapers, it is a must-have item for your newborn baby! Besides, you'll also need one-time use baby wipe especially unscented ones so that it'll not cause any irritation to your babies skin. Other than that, you'll also need a diaper rash cream to prevent any rashes from occurring. Lastly, you will also need a diaper bag to keep all your diapers, baby wipes, diaper rash cream, bottles and more when going out.


      Baby gear

      Baby gear includes baby carrier, where it could be a sling or crib in order to carry your baby around with you while you're working on other items. While going out, you'll also need a car seat to keep your baby safe and sound while enjoying the ride. Once you're out of your car, you'll need a stroller to bring your baby around for an evening walk or to any places that you'd like to bring along your little loved ones!

       Baby gear

        Sleeping Gear

        Sleeping Gears includes crib and crib mattress and some bedding plus wearable blanket to keep your baby warm and cozy during his sleeptime. Some of the parents might also like to have a baby monitor so that they can keep an eye on their kids even they're working on other stuffs.

        Sleeping gear

          Feeding Essential

          To keep your babies' tummy full and warm, you will need bottles, milk formulas and bottle brushes in order to keep them clean. For your newborn baby, you'll need a nursing pillow to support your baby while feeding. Besides, it is important to have a bib to keep his clothes dry. For newborn mums, you'll need nipple cream and balms to relieve sore nipples. Besides, you'll also need nursing bras and nursing pads to feed your baby comfortably. Other than that, you'll need breast pump and breast milk bags in order to store milk.


          Once your kid are able to feed on solids, you'll need to have a highchair, and baby bowls (better with suction cups to let it stick to the highchair), baby spoons and baby cups.


            Bathing Essential

            This is a must-have item to keep your baby clean, a no-tears baby wash and shampoo. Avoid those that include fragrance in their ingredients to prevent irritation to your babies' skin. Besides, you'll also need a good baby bathtub to ease your baby bathing experience. After bathing, you'll need a baby bath towel to dry your baby.

              Toys and Soothing Items for Baby

              You would need to have pacifiers or soothers to keep your baby calm. Other than that, you should also prepare some musical or soft toys and books in order to keep your baby entertained. It would be safe for your baby to play in a play mat during their fun time.



              As soon as your child starts to roll and crawl around, you'll need to be aware of any possible danger and hazards that would happen to your child. If you have stairs, you should prepare a safety gates on the beginning and end of the stairs to block off the areas where your baby shouldn't enter. You should also prepare some wall anchors or round cornered soft tips so that your kid would not get hurt while crawling around.


                Health Supplies

                Some basic health necessities that you'll need would be a first aid kit which include thermometer, ointment, bandages and etc. Other than that, you would need a teething toys to let your baby chew on during teething. You will also need to prepare baby nail clippers to trim and smoothen your baby nails safely. You should also get a soft baby hair brush to groom your baby.

                  Items You'll Need for Your Newborn Baby