Types of babies’ development from 0 to 12 months

During your babies’ first year, they focus on vision, self-movement, exploration, developing hand-to-mouth coordination, and learning about things around them. Cognitive development includes the learning process of babies’ memory, thinking, and reasoning, such as knowing it’s feeding time when they see milk bottles. Moreover, language development refers to listening and imitating the speaking pitch they heard, such as starting by mumbling “da-da-”, and “ma-ma-”. Social interaction includes the bonding session with parents, it helps to develop the basic engagement of babies with people in the future, the way of parents cuddle with babies influences their emotional development too.

In physical development, they begin to hold their head up for a few seconds when they are laying on their stomach (0-3months), sitting up with support (3-6months), transfer items from one to another hand, and sitting without support (6-9months), and slowly to crawl and stand without assistance, throw objects and so forth (9-12months).

Child development refers to the changes that happen to your kids physically, mentally, or emotionally after giving birth until their adulthood, from being highly dependent to being able to manage themselves independently. Child development can be affected by their growing environment and their learning capacity. The challenges kids going through during different development stages can be defined as child development milestones.


To conclude, a child development includes:

- Cognition and intellectual

How they define and solve problems they face

- Social interaction

The interactions with people surrounding

- Emotional regulation 

Their self-control emotions

- Languages and speech 

The languages they understand and communicate

- Physical development 

Fine motor (finger) skills and gross motor (body) skills